How to Update your Charms Profile
Logging in and Getting Started
- In your web browser, navigate to
- On the right hand part of this screen you will see Parent/Student Login. Type in "McBand" in the field marked “schoolcode” (no spaces).
- On the next screen, find the field marked Student Password. Your default password is
your child’s 6 digit AISD student ID number. Enter this number in the Student Password field. If you do not know your child’s number, please email [email protected] and [email protected]. One of us will get the password reset, and a link will be emailed to you. If you changed your password previously, this password should still work. If you forgot this password, email a director to have your password reset to your child’s school-issued ID number. - The next screen is your “Hub.” From here you will be able to navigate to the various sections.
- Please change your password by clicking on the password tab. Make it one you will remember!
Updating Parent and Student Info
- Once you’ve completed the steps above, click on the “personal info” tab.
- First, ensure that the student name, address, phone number, and birthdate are correct. You will
always have the ability to change this information should it change (i.e. address or phone number). It is very important to keep this info current – all future correspondence will come to your email inbox through CHARMS. Any mail-outs throughout the year will be coming to the home address you list. - Next enter a cell phone for the student ONLY IF THE STUDENT HAS A PERSONAL CELL. There will be another field for parent cell phone numbers at the bottom – do not enter your cell number in the student cell field.
- Next enter in the student email address. WE HIGHLY ENCOURAGE THE STUDENTS DEVELOP OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY IN CHECKING BAND ANNOUNCEMENTS SENT THROUGH EMAIL. Part of our goal is for them to become responsible members of the organization and this includes helping to remind you, the parent, of these announcements!
- Find the field marked “T-Shirt Size.” In this space enter the ADULT T-SHIRT SIZE for your child.
- The next section is for Adult (Parent or Guardian) information. Adult 1 will be the primary contact for anything band-related, but all bulk email correspondence will go to all email addresses provided. The program will default to make the female as parent 1 and male as parent 2. If you wish for this to be different, please change the order. Enter/update all fields possible. We would especially like to know what your occupation or special skills are as we want to be resourceful in using our parents. If you intend to volunteer at anytime throughout the year (chaperone, help at the band hall, working at band events, working at booster functions, etc), please check the volunteer box as well.
- MOST IMPORTANT!! – Make sure that you click the “Update” or “Save” button located on your screen. If you do not do this, your updates or changes you made will not be logged.